The team fight the monster until it is destroyed by the bomb trap, and the resulting battle separates the group, leaving only Darwin and Mooch to take the mainframe down. In an appliance store, all of the machines also transform into killing machines one of which tries to kill the 3 guinea pigs after trapping Hurley inside. After the team infiltrates Saber's mainframe, they encounter a bomb trap, but avoid it because of their size. Unfortunately, FBI agents are ordered by Killian to capture the animals dead or alive. Emboldened, Ben provides the field team with the means to infiltrate the Saber residence and plant the virus in the mainframe. He also suggests using the virus in the PDA to take down Saber's computer mainframe. However, Hurley lifts them from their despair by reminding the team of the astounding feats that he has seen them do. Once they all return and inform Ben of Speckles’ apparent demise, Ben eventually confesses that they are not special genetically enhanced animals as previously told, but ordinary ones Ben took in and trained for the team. After examining the wreckage, they discover that Sabersense and Clusterstorm are connected and that the chips found inside the appliances actually transforms them into killer robots. En route, Darwin sees a Saberling coffee maker and decides to investigate it, but it turns into a violent robot which he and Hurley defeat. At this time, Darwin and Hurley make their own way to their superior. While Blaster and Juarez escape their new owners to return to Ben, he and Marcie discover that the intel in the PDA has a computer virus that hid the scheme. Meanwhile, Mooch manages to return to Ben to tell him where his mammalian agents are, but Darwin escapes with Hurley before he can arrive to collect them. Although Blaster and Juarez manage to get themselves sold to a family with plans to return to extract their comrades, Speckles is thrown and seemingly crushed in a garbage truck. Trapped in the store's pet rodent display case, G-Force meet Hurley, a guinea pig, Bucky, a hamster, and three mice. Ben and his assistant, Marcie, send a trained cockroach named Harry to infiltrate their hideout, which is now guarded by FBI agents, and recover Darwin's Personal Digital Assistant, which contained the information acquired from Saber's computer. With the help of the humans, Darwin, Juarez, Blaster, Mooch, and Speckles escape, but find themselves in a case bound for a pet shop. The government agent orders the unit shut down.

However, when Ben's superior, Kip Killian, arrives for his evaluation, he is angry at Ben for performing an unauthorized mission. The team retrieves sensitive information about a scheme called Clusterstorm, which will occur in 48 hours. Saber's appliances all have control chips inside them that will activate a function called Sabersense, allowing electronic communication. The unit's leader Ben, orders an unauthorized infiltration of the residence of home electronics and appliances magnate, Leonard Saber, who is working with an unseen business partner named Mr. The primary field team consists of three guinea pigs: Darwin, Blaster, and Juarez, as well as a mole, Speckles and a fly named Mooch.

The film revolves around a special team of trained animals.

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